About PageRank
PageRank is basically a ranking system of (1-10) which determines how much google searchengine trusts a website.
Types of Page Rank :
Page Rank is of TWO types
1) Toolbar Page Rank : Google does periodically publish a score out of 10 for each page via its Toolbar . This is commonly called the Google Toolbar PageRank.
2) Actual Page Rank
Page Rank Importance
Page Rank is one of the important factors determining how well your site ranks in the search engines. But, its not only one., Page Rank is a good indicator which have good inbound links.
Important Factors :
– Internal Site Structute
– Size of Site
– Reputation of the Pages on Site
Page Rank Checker Tool : The tool below is used to check the Page Rank of the Website which is submitted in the texbox below.
Enter the URL of any website or web page to get its Google PageRank. Remember, “www.domain.com” and “domain.com” may have different results.